Haven’t we all seen close friends and neighbours transforming from fat to fit during the last 2 years? It might have taken a double look at the picture before encompassing it with a surprise on our face. Pandemic has changed the lives of everyone – for good or for worse! However, one takeaway is the determination many people had to adopt some healthy habits.
Considering the same, here is the list of all the good habits you need to incorporate in your daily lives for a better lifestyle. Now, these won’t take any chunk of your precious time. They are just minuscule changes you need to learn.
Just Sleep!
Of course, everybody has those tight timelines and all nighters to pull to finish the project. But nothing can replace the rest you get from sleeping. Many people think sleeping wastes time! But, looking from a scientific perspective, sleeping helps your body rejuvenate for the next day!
Do not consider this to be time-consuming or scroll through social media while in bed. Put your phone aside and get that sleep. Period! Medical practitioners advise people to get 7 – 8 hours of sleep to improve the brain’s functionality. Catching those extra hours of sleep on the next day is also injurious!
Get in the kitchen!
It is the most difficult task for the ones with tight schedules. They would rather have a takeaway on the go than spend time spreading the butter on bread. Well, the good news you think is that you’re saving time. The bad news is that time you think you saved will be soon lost in the trips to the hospital.
By preparing food at home, you know what the exact ingredients are in the recipe. You can also choose to customize the food as per your tastes and that too free of cost! Make changes in your lifestyle, wake up a little early and prepare food at home. You’ll see the difference in your health within just a week.
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Dust those running shoes off!
Nobody needs to hit the gym specifically to lose/gain weight or become a healthier version. Choose the exercise that best suits your body and practise it every single day. The purpose here is to be determined and consistent. They say that the practice makes the human perfect.
Running is the simplest and best way to shed those extra pounds all while activating every muscle in the body. Periodic tests and experiments have also confirmed it improves metabolism and heart’s health. So, instead of taking the car out for close distances, prefer a walk.
Your lifestyle impacts your health to a significant extent so consider the above suggestions to refine a better wellbeing.