There are days when we feel positive and lively so that there is enough vital energy to work on different tasks. There are also other days when we are not that charged and tiredness is prevailing. Such phenomena were taken as a basis by Robert Thayer who developed the concept of Calm Energy as the most desired state of body and mind.
What is Calm Energy?
According to Robert Thayer, the states of the physical body can be roughly divided into 2 categories: tiredness and energy. Meanwhile, the mental conditions are characterized as calm and tense. The intersection of these physical and mental states provides four conditions that are most commonly experienced by people.
While the most desired situation is a calm state of mind and a strong feeling of vital energy, the concept of Calm Energy was developed. It is believed that people are highly productive and very happy when they are tranquil, relaxed, and have the power to work on various tasks. As the external factors in the lives of people influence them, remaining in the Calm Energy state is not always possible but highly desirable.
How to achieve Calm Energy?
The state of Calm Energy can be achieved in various ways either consciously or unconsciously. Also, there is often a need to rely on food, energy drinks or its alternatives, and physical activity to prolong Calm Energy as much as possible.
To achieve Calm Energy in a natural way, people usually go in for sports and eat healthy foods. These are not some standalone activities as physical exercises and proper diet should be kept on an ongoing basis.
You might have noticed that after jogging in the park or exercising in the gym, there is a tangible tonic effect in the body. After such activities, it feels like a burst of vital energy comes around. As a result, there is a will to perform work tasks or dedicate time to household chores. Similar effects are related to eating habits – when people consume nutrient biological products, they feel much better and more energized.
While going in for sports or doing physical exercises is not always possible for various reasons such as weather conditions or busy schedules, other methods come in handy to restore the Calm Energy state. Those are usually energy drinks, coffee, and other products that stimulate the nervous system, boost energy levels, and improve attention.
As energy drinks might have a harmful effect on the organism causing insomnia and hyperglycemia, there are healthy alternatives to be used instead. Those are VIVAZEN supplements and herbs aimed at restoring your energy levels in the most natural way.
The products of VIVAZEN are tested for safety and only contain natural ingredients. These include willow bark extract, valerian extract, passionflower extract, and many others. Such components are not consumed in their natural state by humans, though contain lots of useful vitamins. Thus, consuming natural supplements produced by VIVAZEN will help to restore vitality and preserve Calm Energy.